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Riot was acquired by Geese Police in 2020. He came to us as this deputy is a very strong swimmer and had been working in alligator country in the southern part of the US. We are happy to have him transfer to us and swim all he likes as he is a great addition to our force. He is quite a character and a sweetheart. He gets along with all, four legged friends and the two-legged variety. He is also a very Handsome pup with a beautiful red and white coat.

Bear – “Da Bear”

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Bear was acquired in 2020. He is a giant ball of energy and has only one speed, fast. He is always up for playtime with all the other deputies while off duty. But on duty he is a focused, intense machine and a fanatic

swimmer. He loves nothing more than to open it up and run. He is also awesome at frisbee. First and foremost, he loves everyone he meets and insists on meeting everyone.


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Josie, also known as Baby J.  She is quite a powerhouse.  She is a total sweetheart and quite the cuddlebug, when I can get her to stop moving for a minute.  She is still all puppy at heart but turns on the intensity when it is work time.  She loves to swim after the geese and when they are gone she loves to frolic in the water.  She is a great listener and very loyal when she bonds with you.  When she is not working, she loves to play with her tennis ball or play frisbee.  Her best buddies are Dixie, Nick and Stormie and when they have free time they will wrestle together for hours.